Wieprza – easy section (Lake Obłęskie – Darłówko)

Wieprza – easy section (Lake Obłęskie – Darłówko)

Section length: 72 km

The easy section of the Wieprza River starts from Lake Obłęskie and runs to Darłówek. It is calmer than the upper section of the Wieprza River and suitable for beginner kayakers. From Kępice, the route consists of long, straight stretches, mostly with high banks, surrounded by pine forest. From Pomiłowo through Sławno, you go along a side branch of the Wieprza River. In the town of Sławno, the route runs along a well-kept park. Just outside the town, the canal joins the main current. Up to the village of Tyń, the river crosses meadows and fields. Further on is the village of Pieńkówko from where the last forest stretch of the river starts. You pass forest meanders and the village of Stary Kraków, where the Wieprza flows into a steep-sided gorge. After a kilometre, the gorge section ends, meadows prevail and the current calms down. On the river downstream of Kowalewice, there is a pink granite boulder with a circumference of 8 metres. Upstream of Darłowo, the river has regulated banks and a slower current. When you reach the weir and carry your kayaks over it, take the right-hand branch and continue down to the town centre. In Darłowo, the kayaking route goes directly under the walls of the Castle of the Pomeranian Dukes. After a little paddling, you reach Darłówek, where, after receiving permission from the Darłówek Harbour Master’s Office, you can finish your trip on the beach.

  • Trail length: 72 km
  • Difficulty: easy section


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